Harry Horse

Hi, my name is Harry the horse...
I’m not just any horse, I’m the ethos horse!

My job is really special…

I help other horses (just like yours) and their owners (just like you) to live a greener, cleaner life!

Because together we can make a difference!

harry horse

My horse buddies and I love this stuff: ethos Smart Bedding is not only a carbon neutral product and packaged in a carbon neutral, recyclable bag but is...

Super comfy & warm
Super dry & absorbent
Dust extracted

It makes me want to jump for joy!

ethos Smart Bedding is Carbon Negative!

Every tonne of Miscanthus grown absorbs 3 tonnes of CO2!

Our packaging is made from recycled plastic and is 100% recyclable!

As horse owners (and regular guys and girls sharing our fantastic planet) we need to reduce the amount of carbon we produce so our children and their children can enjoy our environment as much as we do! So... How can you help?

By using ethos Smart Bedding you have taken a gigantic step towards reducing your carbon hoof print!

My ethos buddies have fantastic plans for our company and its customers to make a real difference, for example:

harry horse

For every 200 bales of my ethos Smart Bedding sold, ethos will plant an extra tree that will absorb loads more CO2 all helping to reduce our carbon hoof print!
That’s thousands of trees a year that you will help us plant!

And the humans who look after my stable say it is a smart choice...

Horse Rider

Mega easy to use Loads less waste Saves time and money Deep litter or daily muck out Biodegrades really fast cos it’s a plant and not wood!!

They just hoofing love it!

Harry Jumping