Miscanthus the wonder crop!

Miscanthus truly is a naturally grown superhero and we are proud to grow 80% of the UK's Miscanthus superhero crop!


Carbon Negative  

The Miscanthus crop is a carbon sink, swallowing up carbon in order to grow up to 3m in height – for every tonne of Miscanthus produced it can absorb 3 tonnes of CO2, thus making Miscanthus a carbon negative crop to grow and process – what CO2 it absorbs outweighs any CO2 produced in the harvesting and processing of it.

Learn more about carbon negativity here

A perfect bed

As a natural, biodegradable plant, miscanthus is ideal for creating bedding material. Unlike many wood-based bedding products, it dries naturally in the field, which guarantees an extremely low (10-15%) moisture content. 

We have a tried and tested process for cutting the miscanthus down for bedding which involves exposing more of the inner pith making this a much more absorbent product than alternatives in the marketplace. Our Miscanthus Bedding is highly absorbent which means you need to muck out less and use less bedding saving you time and money!

Beneficial to wildlife

Miscanthus is excellent wildlife cover.  The permanent crop provides shelter to numerous animals.  An improved biodiversity of small mammals and insects will also provide food for larger wildlife.

We see a 30% increase in wild bird population in fields growing Miscanthus, this is due to the attraction of different species and a winter harvest time allowing for undisturbed nesting during the breeding season.


Every bale of our Bedding can be traced back to the exact field from which it was produced.