We want to harness the natural power of our crops and deliver greener and cleaner bedding products to our customers in the most environmentally friendly way, ensuring every step of the process has the least impact on the environment that it can.

Packaging - Recycled & 100% Recyclable.
We are so incredibly proud to say that all of our packaging is 100% recyclable & made, where possible, from recycled plastic. So it has been used before and, with your help, will be used again !

Carbon Negative
When growing in the field the Miscanthus crop absorbs carbon in order to grow up to 3 metres in height. For every tonne of Miscanthus produced, 3 tonnes of Co2 is absorbed , thus making Miscanthus a carbon negative crop to grow and process.

Here at ethos projects, we are driven by three things – to inspire, educate and care. Using the power of nature we will reach out to our younger generation, helping them to learn about and care for our great and varied eco-system.
Check back for more information soon...